Cavities and toothaches can make even the happiest kids feel down. We can help turn those frowns upside-down with gentle treatment options like silver diamine fluoride.

Why should I choose Silver Diamine Fluoride?
Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a non-invasive alternative to fillings. SDF treatment doesn’t require any drills or shots, and takes only a few minutes. Your child’s pediatric dentist will simply paint some special liquid onto the affected tooth. This liquid seals and strengthens the tooth, protecting it from further decay. If your child has a cavity, fillings may not be their only option!
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The Benefits of Silver Diamine Fluoride
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The Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment Process
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51% of kids between the ages of 5-11 have at least one cavity. If left untreated, cavities can lead to further complications like tooth infections.
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